Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2021
Article Page : 70-73
An x-ray examination allowed the implant to be visualized and the amount of bone to be assessed at the site of the implant placement. Maxillary implants may have close relationships with the maxillary sinus. A preliminary X-ray examination of the implant site was used to assess the quality and quantity of bone and to assess the proximity of the sinuses. The authors report the extraction of a dental implant projected into the left maxillary sinus, associated with chronic sinusitis in a 65-year-old patient who did not previously receive sinus lift. An orthopantogram was used to visualize the cylindrical implant in an upright position in a very prominent sinus. With the maxillary scanner, the implant was located with more precision in 3D, surrounded by a frame image representing the purulent collection. The extraction of the implant projected into the sinus by a simple technique under local anesthesia was decided. A control orthopaontogram showed the emptiness of the sinus cavity. The surgical suites were simple. Elimination of an enlarged crestal intra sinusal implant should be undertaken first-line in oral surgery as it is simple and less invasive. To prevent these incidents, short implants or sinus elevation technique are alternatives for prominent bone and/or sinus deficits visualized through 3D imaging.
Keywords: Implant projection, Maxillary sinus, Chronic sinusitis.
How to cite : Tamba B , Diatta M , Kane M , Ndiaye M L , Kounta A , Abdou Ba, Management of an implant projected into the maxillary sinus associated with chronic sinusitis: A case report. J Oral Med Oral Surg Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2021;7(1):70-73
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Received : 09-01-2021
Accepted : 06-02-2021
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