Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2021
Article Page : 98-101
Background and Objective: Human identification is a major task undertaken in forensic sciences. The study of palatine rugae and the study of fingerprints are sometimes complementary and based on same scientific basis. The palatal rugae patterns are unique to every individual and are protected by the lips, buccal pad of fat and teeth. This study was conducted to examine shape and pattern of palatal rugae between tribal population and urban population of M.P state.
Materials and Methods: The study sample consisted of 60 subjects, 30 each from tribal(Gond) and urban population of Madhya Pradesh, in the age group ranging from 18 to 25 yrs. The impression of maxillary arch was obtained from each subject using alginate impression material and cast were made. The rugae were delineated on the cast using a sharp graphite pencil under adequate light and magnification and recorded according to classification given by Thomas and Kotze (1983).
Results: After analyzing the rugae patterns in both the groups and between the 2 sides of the palate, the wavy pattern was found to be predominant followed by curved, straight, unification, circular, and nonspecific in decreasing order in the overall population. There was an obvious difference between the Rugae shapes in tribal (gonds) and urban population of Bhopal city. No significant difference in number of rugae between right and left sides between the primary and secondary rugae patterns were observed.
Conclusion: The pattern of rugae was seen different in these ethnic groups. In the present study, significant difference exists between the rugae patterns in tribals and urban population of M.P.
Keywords: Rugae, Palatoscopy, Forensic odontology.
How to cite : Pandey P , Gupta B , Comparitive analysis of palatal rugae in tribal and urban population of Madhya Pradesh. J Oral Med Oral Surg Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2021;7(2):98-101
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Received : 03-04-2021
Accepted : 29-04-2021
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