Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 1, Year : 2023
Article Page : 22-26
Government dental college and hospital in Aurangabad, India's state of Maharashtra. Traffic accidents were found to be the most common cause of facial fractures (55.1%), with a male preponderance and a peak incidence between the ages of 20 and 30. The most frequent type of fractures were isolated mid-face fractures (586 patients; 24.05%), followed by isolated mandibular fractures (1257 patients; 51.6%). The zygomatic bone and arch were most frequently involved in midface fractures. The majority of the time, closed reduction and internal fixation were used instead of open reduction and internal fixation. According to the study's findings, traffic accidents are the main reason for maxillofacial fractures. Every citizen is required to enforce and abide by laws that establish preventative measures.
Keywords: Maxillofacial trauma, Mid-face fractures, Maxillofacial injuries, Patterns of mid-face trauma.
How to cite : Landge J S, Gavali P, Shah K M, Choudhary Y, Lahoti A, A retrospective study – Pattern of maxillofacial injuries in government dental college and hospital Aurangabad, Marathvada region. J Oral Med Oral Surg Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2023;9(1):22-26
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Received : 09-01-2023
Accepted : 20-01-2023
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