Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2017
Article Page : 153-157
Sex determination of skeleton represents an important stage in the execution of forensic anthropological examination. Skull is considered the second best region of the skeleton after pelvis to determine the sex. Radiographic cephalometry is ideal for the skull examination as it gives details of various anatomical points in a single radiograph. Discriminant function analysis is a statistical technique that enables the researcher to examine the relationship among two or more groups based on any number of variables simultaneously.
Aims of the Study: To evaluate the sex determination technique from skull with the help of radiographic cephalometry and discriminant function analysis.
Materials and Method: Total 100 patients (50 males, 50 females) were recruited for the study. Lateral cephalographs were taken on the Cephalostat of MEDI TRONICS ARCOGRAPH ZEUS RH using standardized technique. Each radiograph was traced with 0.05 mm black lead pencil. All angular variables were marked using 0.05 mm blue lead pencil and all linear variables were marked using 0.05 mm red lead pencil.
Statistical Analysis Used: Unpaired t‑test.
Results: Total 80 cases were classified into two sexual groups with 100% accuracy in our study. From our study we also observed that Frontal Bone Prominence (G-Sg-M), Supraorbital Ridges (G-SgN) and GPI Index are highly reliable variables for sex identification.
Conclusion: The radiographic cephalometric technique and discriminant function analysis is a useful technique to determine sex from skull and seems a promising, less expensive and readily available tool in forensic and anthropological investigations for sex identification.
Keywords: Forensic Anthropology, Sex determination, Cephalometry, Discriminant function analysis, Indian population survey
How to cite : Mathur A, Sande A, Risbud M, Ramdurg P, Ashwinirani Sr, Determination of sex by discriminant function analysis of lateral radiographic cephalometry using angular, linear and proportional cephalometric variables in Western Maharashtrian population. J Oral Med Oral Surg Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2017;3(3):153-157
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