Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 3, Year : 2019
Article Page : 62-67
Introduction and Objectives: Periodontitis has been associated with a number of systemic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, bone disorders, kidney disease and drug allergies. This study aimed to determine whether there is a significant difference in the prevalence of systemic diseases in patients with periodontal disease and patients without periodontal disease.
Materials and Methods: 600 patients attending the outpatient department P.M.N.M dental college and Hospital, Bagalkot were included for the study. These patients were divided into two groups; Group I- patients with periodontal disease (cases) and Group II- patients without periodontal disease (controls). Prevalence of systemic diseases was evaluated using self-reported health questionnaire. The periodontal conditions were assessed by using Russell’s Periodontal Index (PI).
Results: Patients with periodontal disease had a higher prevalence of systemic compared to the patients without periodontal disease. Further more prevalence of systemic diseases was more common in middle and elder age group. Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Drug allergies, CVS disorders, Cancer and Radiotherapy were the most prevalent and statistically significant among cases and controls.
Conclusion: Due to the high frequency of medical conditions, thorough evaluation of patients medical history should be a mandatory first step in the diagnosis and management of dental diseases.
Keywords: Systemic diseases, Periodontal disease, Self-reported health questionnaire.
How to cite : Ramdurg P, Srinivas N, Puranik S, Sande A , Mendigeri V, Frequency of systemic diseases in chronic generalized periodontitis in North Karnataka population. J Oral Med Oral Surg Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2019;5(3):62-67
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