The Editor
Journal of Oral medicine, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology
Subject:-Commenting on the article “What an ideology: Can toilet cleaner whiten teeth?” published in the Issue 2 of Volume 7 in Year 2021.
Respected Madam,
Through the esteemed columns of your journal I would like to throw light on an article published in your journal in Issue 2 of Volume 7 in Year 2021 as “What an ideology: Can toilet cleaner whiten teeth?”. It was a catchy article addressing a rare and a unique case. This article highlighted the importance of proper history taking for proper diagnosis of uncommon cases. This article also throws light on the lack of awareness and importance regarding dentistry in general population, and more faith on myths around them. This case report brings out the importance of reaching out to public and spreading awareness to prevent detrimental affect on oral health, and overall health in general.
The author could have mentioned about the concentation of hydrochloric acid used by the patient by enquiring more about the kind of toilet cleaner used. He could have mentioned regarding any habits patient had like smoking, chewing tobacco, pan, coffee. Since author mentioned patient did not use toothpaste, it implies he could belong to socio-economic group having such habits commonly. A recommendation of good toothpaste, cessation of habit and good oral habit, along with a clinic demonstration was necessary. The author could have mentioned more about why the patient rejected the treatment options provided to him. Also author could have given him more options like bleaching, which could have improved patients current condition. Both in office and home bleaching options should have been explained.
Overall it was an amazing article, bring out something novel. Hopefully my suggestions would be of help. Kindly look into the matter I have raised.
Thanking You